by Alfredo Gonzalez | September 1, 2021 | Miami
Welcome to 305 Miami Deportes, the Telemundo 51 podcast hosted by journalist Carlos Maxwell. The Magic City Casino was the site of the second National Jai Alai Championship. It was three days of a lot of action and this time with an audience...
by Alfredo Gonzalez | Aug 31, 2021 | News
The Globe News/MIAMI. –The effects of the passage of Hurricane Ida could be felt in Florida with a possible increase in the price of gasoline, after forcing more than 90% of the offshore oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico to evacuate personnel and close. ..
by Alfredo Gonzalez | Aug 31, 2021 | Miami
Today is Tuesday August 31st and these are the main news of the day: 1.- A 911 call ended with the death of a woman of Cuban origin at the hands of the Miami Shores police. The report says the 47-year-old woman pointed what she...
by Alfredo Gonzalez | Jun 5, 2021 | Blog
It seems incredible, but from now on the modern history of humanity will be divided into two major stages: Before and after COVID-19. Soon we will see each other telling our children and grandchildren what life was like before the terrible pandemic affected the...
by Alfredo Gonzalez | Apr 6, 2021 | News
El Globo News – By Vionette Pietri, JD – You now have the key to your property. Perhaps the process was very easy, or it may have been stressful. The important thing is that you made it. You are the owner of a new home. I want to remind you that there are certain things...