Know the salary paid by fast food restaurants in Miami

The average salary that fast food employees usually earn is $1.760 a month, according to the iProfessional web portal. 
Thousands of Latin Americans have migrated to the city of Miami in search of a better quality of life, as well as to "try their luck" with informal jobs, this being one of the destinations most chosen by Hispanics to work.

The jobs that Latin American migrants apply the most have been in hotel chains, cleaning staff and fast food chains. Since the beginning of the pandemic, they have increased the basic salary of their staff to keep them and continue hiring.
The monthly income of this type of work is usually lower compared to others, the job offer always remains and may be an option for those who require it.
The average salary is $1.760 in fast food places
McDonald's increased its base salary by 10 percent in April 2021 for its staff, due to the pandemic and inflation that the United States has been going through.
Hourly pay is $11 at fast food restaurants, and if the staff works 40 hours per week it would give a monthly salary of $1.760.
By 2024, it is estimated that the hourly payment in these locations will be $15, since they cannot retain their staff due to the pandemic, the Bloomberg web portal indicated.
Advantages of working in fast food chains
Some of the advantages that have been highlighted in these jobs have been the "flexibility" in the schedules, as well as the fact that they allow "attending classes and completing their studies", since this type of work is aimed at young people.
However, the hours of this type of premises are usually varied and many times the employees cannot count on public transport, since there is not a good frequency. The same companies offer facilities for employees to buy a new or used car.

Miami Daily
Author: Natasha Palís 9:12 am

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