The secret of success. If one were to do a survey in some public place asking people, What is Success? You would probably receive numerous answers related to the accumulation of wealth. Today, to give a little "chicken soup" to the soul of our readers, we will evaluate the conception that the Mexican Carlos Slim has of success.
Slim points out the following verbatim:

  • Success is due to how many people smile at you, how many people you love and how many admire your sincerity and simplicity of spirit.
  • Is about if you are remembered when you are gone.
  • It refers to how many people you help, how many you avoid harming, and whether or not you hold a grudge in your heart.
  • It is about your dreams being included in your triumphs.
  • If your achievements do not hurt your peers.
  • It is about your inclusion with others, not your control over others.
  • It's about whether you used your head as much as your heart; if you were selfish or generous; if you loved nature and children; and you cared for the elders.
  • It is about your kindness, your desire to serve, your ability to listen, and your courage over conduct.
  • It's not about how many follow you but how many really love you.
  • It's not about broadcasting, but how many believe you if you're happy or pretending to be.
  • It is about the balance of justice that leads to having well and being well.
  • It's about your clear conscience, your undefeated dignity and your desire to be more, not to have more.
  • This is success. (End of quote)

And do you know who Carlos Slim is? Well, he is neither more nor less the wealthiest man in Latin America, with a net worth of US$55.4 billion. Carlos Slim built a business empire starting from the recovery of the Mexican railway network, later developing a chain of restaurants and retail stores and controlling the powerful Telmex, the telephone monopoly in Mexico. Today his group has embarked on an energetic activity of acquiring telecommunications companies worldwide, including the basic network of El Salvador, 51% of the shares of the French CTE Telecom and control of the prepaid wireless communications firm of Miami Topp Telecom.
Isn't it curious, dear readers, that this 77-year-old tycoon conceives in such a human and sensitive way what the face of success should be? Don't you think that after reading this note many of you will feel that you have achieved true success in your lives?
As we tally up the people who love us and at least like us, I'll end this column with a line Slim told Newsweek: "You can't wait until you die to leave a have to do everything you can." I can while he's alive."
Author Alfredo Gonzalez I (786) 486-3615 I


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