The Globe News

CARACAS. – Almost 350 million bolívares, about 225,69 dollars, were required by Venezuelan workers in January to acquire the items of the food basket, according to what was announced by the Center for Documentation and Analysis of Workers, Cenda.

The exact figure required to buy basic food was 349.223.074,42 bolivars. This represents an increase of more than 130 million bolívares, compared to December 2020, when the basket was quoted at 218.357.086,27 bolívares.

In other words, the January food basket showed a month-on-month increase of 59,9%.

In dollarized terms, 225,69 dollars were required to cover food expenses in January, according to Cenda's calculations in accordance with the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Venezuela.

The Cenda affirmed that the Venezuelan minimum wage of 1.200.000 bolívares, was only enough to cover 0,3% of the food basket.

"The purchasing power of Venezuelans fell to historical lows," according to data provided by Cenda. Source The National

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