The federal government's offer for Small business of the country affected by the closures decreed after the coronavirus pandemic is that of $2 million loans that could even be forgiven.
By MiamiDiario Newsroom
The aid from the federal government for economic losses due to disaster will be two million dollars and will be processed through Small Business Administration, (SBA for its acronym in English).
The loan, to 3.75 percent interest rate, can be used for pay debts, salaries, bills and other unpaid expenses due to suspensions caused by the pandemic.
But the Small Business Administration will forgive the entire loan, if all employees of the applicant business have been on the payroll for 8 weeks and the money is used for the payment of rent, interest on loans and utilities.
The recommendation is to consult your accountant and your bank to investigate how your business can benefit from this federal law that Senator Marco Rubio and others in Washington motorized. You can request it on the website DisasterLoan.sba.gov🇧🇷 r
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