Miami is the largest city in the United States

The Miami movement has been called as such by the series of experts and also by the city's mayor, Francis Suárez. And it is that the City of the Sun has grown so much that it is no longer considered just a city to migrate to, according to Real Estate Market. 
South Florida is characterized by its climate, the usual low-tax attractions and the open atmosphere that make Miami such an attractive city. 

In this sense, the general partner of Founders Fund and technology investor in the United States, Keith Rabois, stated that "Miami is like Silicon Valley was in 1999", as well as highlighting that it is currently the city where he has most of his new investments.
In the same way, the article also emphasizes that Beyond the migration of people, one of the most significant in the City of the Sun is that of money, highlighting that the real estate industry, as well as businesses and restaurants, are at the top: “Buyers continue to arriving in the area, willing to pay any price”. 
In just the year 2020, Julls Zeder Group managed to sell more than 200 billion dollars in homes, this figure has been the highest compared to any other real estate group in the entire United States and last 2021 closed with more than 2 thousand million dollars, according to real estate data. 
So that the author of the article tells personal anecdotes and how the city is went from being a "refuge for the unemployed, the divorced and the financially bankrupt to being the paradise of freedom in the United States", as published by Infobae.
Just as he also affirms that this evolution has not been given by the city itself, but on the contrary: “Miami is the most important city in the United States not because it has ceased to be a frivolous tax haven, free of regulations, condemned by the climate. , and dominated by small-time attractive celebrities. It became the most important city in the United States because the country became a frivolous tax haven, unregulated, doomed by the climate, and dominated by attractive low-level celebrities.
The truth is that this audio that South Florida is having is due to the pandemic and the havoc that has caused many people from different parts of the country to migrate to the city due to the low cost of rent compared to the cities where they live. come from 

Miami Daily
Author: Natasha Palís 6:57 am

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