What is Digital Marketing for? The universe for the digital marketing of a company is made up of a system of social networks that revolve around the firm's website.
For a website to be effective it must have the following basic characteristics:
- The content must be useful for the audience that it is intended to conquer.
- The navigation within the site must be friendly and make logical sense.
- The search speed must be adequate to the latest technological standards.
- The design must be pleasing to the eyes of the visitor.
- The site must reflect the faces and experience of the members of the business team that supports the offer of goods or services offered.
- A Blog where articles and news of interest to specialized readers are disseminated gives a dynamic element of the first order to the site.
- Contact information -address, phone numbers, fax, emails- must be clearly stated on the site.
A website, no matter how well structured it may be, will not be important if it does not have a sufficient and effective number of visits. To optimize the results, it is necessary, then, to develop a campaign to attract visitors with the capacity and desire to acquire the products or services offered.
To achieve traffic levels in the desired categories, the following formulas must be applied:
- Continuously generate content of interest to users, especially on the blog.
- Run periodic content optimization tasks (Search Engine Optimization-SEO) so that the various sections of the site are recognized by search engines, especially Google.
- Invest in sponsored ads such as Google Adwords and Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram ads.
- Disseminate the existence and benefits of the website through social networks. A promotional campaign through Facebook, YouTube, Google+, Linkedin, Instagram and Twitter will be enough and, without a doubt, will produce great results.
And, for those who have not yet gotten on the train of technological progress, I leave you with this prescient phrase by Bill Gates: "There will be two types of businesses in the XNUMXst century: those that are on the Internet and those that no longer exist.”
Author: Alfredo Gonzalez I www.negociosenflorida.com