The Social Security Act was signed into law by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on August 14, 1935. Among other provisions, the new Act created a social security program designed to pay retirees age 65 and older a permanent income after retirement. retirement.
Later, under President Eisenhower, disability insurance was established, expanding coverage to disabled people of any age and their dependents. Then, during the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson, on July 30, 1965, the amendment to the Social Security Act was signed that created the Medicare and Medicaid programs.
Medicare began covering the costs of medical consultations and hospitalization for almost all Americans 65 years and older; Medicaid, for its part, began to guarantee medical assistance to citizens who are members of low-income families, pregnant women, disabled people of all ages and those who needed long-term medical care.
Today, more than fifty years after their creation, Medicare and Medicaid have helped ease the anguish of millions of uninsured American families. Now, people with disabilities, families with children, pregnant women, and low-income American workers can cover the insurance costs necessary to preserve their health. In fact, almost a third of citizens are covered by Medicare and Medicaid – which means that there are more than 100 million beneficiaries of the programs.
Today, nearly 55 million people rely on Medicare to cover 23 types of preventive services, including flu shots and diabetes tests, and hospital stays, lab tests, equipment and medications.
Medicaid, for its part, offers comprehensive coverage to more than 70 million eligible children, pregnant women, low-income adults and people with disabilities. It also covers essential services like annual checkups, care for women during and after pregnancy, and dental care for children from low-income families.
With the issuance of a numbered card for each of the beneficiaries of the program, a quasi-universal identification system was created, which has been used by various public and private institutions such as the Internal Revenue Service, banks, insurance companies and the universities.
Although the Social Security Act itself does not require a person to have a Social Security Number (SSN) to live and work in the United States, the Internal Revenue Code generally requires taxpayers to submit the SSN number. Social Security, "Social”, as a means of identification for the procedures they carry out before the federal agency. Because it is a public instrument issued under strict security standards, the "Social" has become the quintessential national identification number to process before countless official and private institutions.
The Social Security Administration issues three different types of identification cards:
1. Cards that show only the user's name and their "Social" number, without restrictions to work. It is granted to US citizens and people legally admitted to remain in the country indefinitely.
2. Cards that, in addition to the user's name and identification number, display the note: "VALID TO WORK ONLY WITH THE AUTHORIZATION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL SECURITY (DHS)". It is issued for people temporarily admitted to the country who enjoy official authorization to work.
3. Cards that, in addition to the beneficiary's name and identification number, display the note: "NOT VALID FOR EMPLOYMENT." It is issued to foreign nationals admitted to the country and not authorized to work by DHS.
As we can see, the "Social" number is necessary to declare the contributions from individual work and to estimate the taxes to be paid to the Treasury. In the long run, these contributions will be the basis for calculating the retirement benefits of each taxpayer.
Due to its wide use, it is not an exaggeration to affirm that the Social Security number is the element that makes a person "exist" as an active subject within North American society. If you don't already have your Social and want to get it for free, visit or call the toll-free number 1-800-772-1213.
For now let's close this article with this clever phrase from John Fitzgerald Kennedy in his inaugural address on January 20, 1961:
"If a free society cannot help its many poor, it will not be able to save its few rich either."
Author: Alfredo Gonzalez I

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