Josiah Senior Phelan

Josias-SeniorJosiah Senior Phelan is a Venezuelan-American who has decided to join forces with our firm, bringing his extensive business experience to our growth plans. Josías graduated from the Metropolitan University of Caracas in Administrative Sciences and completed a postgraduate degree in Advanced Management Studies at the Institute of Higher Administration Studies (IESA) in Caracas. After holding important positions in the Venezuelan financial sector, Josías ventured to found the first Chip-a-Cookie® store that resulted, after a few years, in one of the first fast food franchises to achieve resounding success in the Venezuelan market. His valuable experience and the success obtained with Chip-a-Cookie® led him to share his managerial knowledge as founding Vice President of the Chamber of Franchises of Venezuela and as a professor at various local universities. For his business work, Josías has received multiple awards but The one that makes him most proud is the award that “Venezuela Competitiva” gave him for the Chip-a-Cookie® case. This is, without a doubt, a well-deserved acknowledgment of his creative efforts and the many hours of hard work that he dedicated to his project. Talking about Josías' achievements would take too long. Suffice it to say in these brief lines that in our firm we are proud to have this colleague of high professional stature and exceptional human quality.

Tel: (305) 414-9654

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