Our Representative in Fort Myers

josetoledoJose Toledo, is a professional of Venezuelan origin with extensive experience in international business. He earned his engineering degree from the University of Missouri at Columbia, and his real estate sales associate's license from the state of Florida. He has lived in the US since 1998 and has specialized in brokering business sales, mergers and acquisitions of companies in the geographic area of ​​Southwest Florida, which includes the cities of Naples, Bonita Springs, Cape Coral, Fort Myers and Punta Gorda. José is an active member of the Florida Business Brokers Association (BBF) and the Association of Realtors.

8270 College Pkwy | Suite 105 | Fort Myers, FL 33919
Phone: (239) 284.1317 Ext 106
Cell phone: (407) 556-5117
Fax: (239) 603.6235
Email: jose@truforte.com


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