Richard Amundsen

Richard AmundsenRichard Amundsen he is, above all, a man of great class. Thanks to his love of travel, Richard has absorbed a wealth of cultural experiences that have wonderfully shaped his pleasant personality. Many friends, clients and associates see Richard as a timely consultant willing to put his knowledge at the service of good causes. His educational background, acquired in the United States and Europe, coupled with his natural penchant for creativity, pushed Richard into the world of advertising. As director and president of Hispanic Market, he spent more than 25 years dedicated to strategic marketing, advertising and sales to the mass media. His favorite clients include Coca Cola USA, Reynolds Tobacco and Schlitz Brewing among other firms from the select Fortune-500 club. Today, much to the delight of our team, Richard is a brand new business broker and real estate specialist with our firm. He is fluent in Spanish, French and English.

Tel: (305) 351-7766
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