Robert Vazquez

Roberto Vazquez photoRobert Vazquez. Civil Engineer, with more than 35 years of experience. general manager and developer of residential and commercial projects, both public and private, in different countries such as Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, the United States and Costa Rica. Some of its clients are Toyota Motor Company (TMC), National Telephone Company of Venezuela (CANTV), Electricity Company of Venezuela (CADAFE, Siderurgia del Orinoco (SIDOR), Venezolana de Aluminum (VENALUM), Aqueducts and Sewerage of Santo Domingo ( CAASD), Puerto Rico Agricultural Services Authority (ASA), as well as private clients Works such as housing complexes, residential and commercial buildings, shopping centers, telephone exchanges, power plants, vehicle assembly plants, car seat factories , etc. Incorporated in VR Business Group since 2009, it has focused on serving Hispanic clients interested in buying or selling small or medium-sized businesses.

Tel: (305) 351-7766
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