Steven Minor

Steven Minor  is the coordinator of the real estate section of Steven has lived in Miami for more than 30 years and has worked in executive positions that have linked him business to the Latin American markets. He received his license as a real estate specialist in 2002 and was awarded several times by the Keyes company for his meritorious sales management. He obtained his real estate brokerage degree from the state of Florida in 2005. He opened his own business that same year and specialized in the sale of commercial properties and land. He is currently a partner at VR Business Brokers, where he permanently collaborates with Latin American and European investors in the acquisition of industrial or residential properties owned by banks or in liquidation process. Steven is a California native where he earned a BA in Political Science and Spanish from the University of Sacramento. He is married to a Nicaraguan and has a son who graduated in hospitality and tourism; he is fond of deep-sea fishing and practices tai chi with special dedication.

Tel: (786) 208-2900

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