the Globe News

MIAMI. – Despite being the state with the highest number of Covid-19 infections in the USA, the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, decided at the time not to declare a radical quarantine.

“We are going to have a budget surplus and we are clicking on all cylinders. We are doing more on vaccines for seniors. I would rather be in Florida than any other state right now." DeSantis said

The first authority of the State indicated that despite the economic crisis caused by the pandemic, the state was able to cope with the situation without applying extreme measures.

“But our children are in school. Parents are happy with it. Our economy is growing. People are working. And they were predicting economic ruin, particularly for Florida, because we are a tourist base and our tourism is not bad by any stretch," said the governor.

He also indicated that his State will be able to recover in a short time from the ravages of the pandemic. So we will have to wait for the new policies that will be implemented to have a prosperous state in the coming years.

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