Business plan

  1.  An executive summary where the results of the study are condensed.
  2. An analysis of the goals and objectives of the business as well as the motivations that drive the Promoters.
  3. Form of Legal Organization (Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Personal Firm, etc.)
  4. Resume of the Promoters and Functions that they will exercise in the company.
  5. Description of the Products and Services to offer.
  6. Pricing Policy.
  7. The Market Potential, Marketing Strategies and Competition Factors.
  8. Projected Financial Statements and Cash Flow.
  9. Profitability and Efficiency Indices.
  10. Annex with supporting documents.

In a practical sense, the Plan must reflect Management's vision of the allocation of financial resources in the different business-generating activities and development strategies in the short and medium term. For the Plan to be a useful instrument for decision-making, it is essential that it reflects the competitive advantages that differentiate the company from other competing companies, rationally interpreting the environment and intimacy of the firm. Contact us to request a quote.

Disclaimer: The opinions presented by the companies and professionals on this website are for guidance information only, and are not the provision of legal advice, tax advice, accounting services, investment advice, or professional consulting of any kind. The information contained herein should not be used as a substitute for consulting with legal, tax, accounting or other competent advisors. Before making any decision or taking any action, you should consult with a qualified professional who has received all the pertinent information related to each particular case.

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