The Globe News

WASHINGTON. – Millions of Americans remain attentive to the negotiations of the economic rescue plan by the pandemic and the issuance of a third check for $1,400 dollars to help them deal with debt which have already been accumulating current expenses of everyday.

The United States continues to suffer in terms of health and economic. Fortunately the mass vaccine application runs its course and is a light at the end of the tunnel, but the truth is that millions of citizens are waiting of the approval of the new bailout.

El ace site points out that after conclusion of the second impeachment trial against former President Donald Trumpboth Houses of Congress went into recess, so activities will not resume until Next February 22.

The bill could be passed that same day in the House of Representatives, which would lead him to be voted in the Senate before the end of this month. It is important to consider that the Senate approved a budget resolution with which the Democrats of the Upper House will be able to approve the economic rescue without the support of republicans.

If the financial assistance plan of the President Biden is approved to end of Februarythird stimulus check should start to distributed the first week of March.

In the event that the negotiations are delayed for any reasonHouse Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has set as deadline March 14 to pass the bill in the Low camera.

If the economic project is approved before the Winners will be announced in Marchpayment of the third stimulus check would start its distribution from Winners will be announced in March, according to data from Ace. External source

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