Businesses for Sale in Florida

Using this business search engine that we present below, you will know the updated list of more than 4.000 businesses for sale in the State of Florida. The information of each business is only offered in English, but you can contact us by phone in Miami (305) 351-7766 or by, if you want more information about any business or property of your interest.


Business Finder for Sale

The search engine has two main tracking categories: Search by County and Search by Business Category. The State of Florida is made up of 67 counties or municipalities. The southern counties have a high influence of Hispanic culture and as you move towards Tallahassee, in the north of the state, a greater Anglo-Saxon influence is perceived (see Map of Florida by Counties).

We recommend that you conduct your search taking into account the cultural factors that will affect your household as you begin a new life in the Florida market. If your English is poor, you should consider locating in Miami-Dade, Broward, or West Palm Beach counties, where the influx of Latinos is notorious. When you carry out the search, we recommend that every time you find a business of your interest, send us the respective reference number by email. With our answer you will receive more information that will allow you to deepen the analysis of each business opportunity. VIDEO (How to use the search engine)


The text you will read below is a free translation of the Florida Business Brokers Association's English Confidentiality Agreement. This content should serve only as a reference before signing the document in English. We do not guarantee the exact and precise equivalence of the content of both versions.

More Businesses in South Florida!


Business Finder

In this other search engine you findwill that Businesses for sale in South Florida published by the Association of Realtors

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