Map of Florida by Counties


Florida Counties Map

The Interactive Map of Florida was created with the intention of providing people who wish to invest or live in the Sunshine State with information of interest to fulfill their goals. The 67 Florida counties shown on the map are evidence of the geographic, cultural, and economic diversity that characterizes this thriving state. Clicking within the limits of each County will open a space with economic and social information as well as business opportunities and real estate for sale and rent in the area. We will gradually enrich the content of the information at the municipal level and we hope that in the near future the Map will become a platform for the promotion of foreign investment, technology transfer and foreign trade for each of the Florida counties.

alachua Baker Bay Bradford Brevard Broward Calhoun Charlotte Citrus Clay Necklace Columbia desoto Dixie Duval escambia flagler Franklin Gadsden gilchrist glades Gulf Hamilton hardee Henry Hernando Highlands Hillsborough Holmes IndianRivers Jackson Jefferson Lafayette Brine Lee Leon Levy Liberty Madison Manatee Marion Martin Yummydade Monroe Nassau okaloosa okeechobee Orange Osceola PalmBeach Pasco Pinellas Polk putnam StJohns Saint Lucia St.____ Sarasota Seminole Sumter Suwannee Taylor Union volusia Wakula Walton Washington

Florida Counties in Alphabetical Order

Clicking on the name of each county will open the corresponding information.

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