The company Nestlé Waters proposed take 1.1 million gallons a day from a river considered a public water source, but the conservationists oppose because they can affect the environment.

By MiamiDiario Newsroom

Nestlé Waters has planned to take 1.1 million gallons a day from a river, but environmentalists fear it will cause permanent damage to the Ginnie Springs Park, located in Gilchrist County in Florida, detailed

According to the environmental organization, Santa Fe River Incorporation, if Nestlé makes its proposal a reality, the water levels in the Santa Fe River springs will drop enormously.

Ginnie Springs Park

The Gainesville Sun newspaper noted that Florida's Water Resources Act determined that spring water, rivers and lakes were owned by the state, but did not put a price on this resource. This is another aspect that worries the inhabitants of the area, who Nestle does not pay for using the water.

But the residents not only care about the money, but that it is put into endanger the ecosystem of the place where they live.

One of the members of Santa Fe River IncorporationMerrillee Malwitz-Jipson noted, "Every bit of healthy freshwater that flows from Florida's aquifer is necessary to keep our ecosystems intact, for an abundance of fish, reptiles, microorganisms, and waterfowl populations."

Malwitz-Jipson also referred to the local economy that is nourished by freshwater springs for being a «prosperous tourist destination".

But it is the Suwannee River Water Management District that has the last word, it is responsible for issuing the water use permit, currently held by Seven Springs.

Seven Springs, has not pumped more than 260,000 gallons per day, but Nestlé ha invested heavily in a new bottling plant so you can get more water.

For this case, Nestlé issued a statement committing to take care of the sustainability of water.

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