It seems incredible, but from now on the modern history of humanity will be divided into two major stages: Before and after COVID-19. 

Soon we will see each other telling our children and grandchildren what life was like before the terrible pandemic affected the Globe in all its immense geography. In amazement they will hear that AC people gathered by the thousands at stadiums, festivals, theaters, churches, pilgrimages, and rallies while subway cars swarmed with commuters at rush hour. 

The new generations will evolve and adapt to the new cultural standards imposed by society DC. Now the entire daily route of a new-gen It must be sanitized, from the vehicle you use, the doorknobs you manipulate, the elevator buttons you step on, your work spaces and, in general, any surface or object that may be suspected of harboring the terrible Coronavirus.  

The new reality will cause a huge portion of the business world to be seriously affected by the changes. Restaurants and bars, hotels, travel and transportation, tourism, entertainment (casinos and amusement parks), personal services (doctors, dentists, childcare, barbers, therapists), non-essential retail stores, and the production of "sensible" manufacturing (manufacturing of airplanes, automobiles and fashions) sadly lead the way to sacrifice. These sectors, which occupied AC about 20.4 percent of all workers will experience dramatic levels of unemployment. (1) 

However, judging by the positive signs that Wall Street is giving, it is expected that a significant portion of the unemployed will return to work soon, although now with certain variations. 

For example, the vast sector that employs more than 96 million workers between managers, professionals and administrative employees, is likely to adopt the work-at-home modality without trauma. (2) 

In this sense, a recent survey by the newspaper La Vanguardia showed that 87 percent of Spaniards would be willing to favor working from home over traditional methods. This occurs despite the fact that during confinement it has been shown that teleworkers have voluntarily increased their working day by two hours, with the particularity of having shown activity peaks between 12 at night and 3 in the morning.(3) 

In the USA., AC the number of remote workers was 4.7 million or about 3% of the workforce.(4) This ratio is likely DC It will grow exponentially because both employers and workers have perceived that remote work generates wide benefits for both sectors. 

From this sobering transition it is hoped that companies that adopt remote work as the norm will reap the rewards of increased labor productivity and reduced overall office costs. Telecommuters, meanwhile, will enjoy flexible hours and save time and money by taking travel, food and clothing expenses out of their budgets.  

And both, employers and workers, will now have a more fruitful family relationship if we take into account that the education of children will depend largely on distance learning. There will be many changes to come. DC but perhaps the transfer of the geometric center of social activity from the office and classrooms to the heart of the home is the most important of all. 

Take care of yourselves and enjoy the privilege of seeing how the world will be different when we return to the daily struggle again... 

1- Joseph S. Vavra. How many workers are employed in sectors directly affected by the COVID-19 closures, where do they work, and how much do they earn? April 24, 2020. Bureau of Labor Statistics. two-
3- It is based on the measurement of the connection time to the VPN (the virtual private network that connects with the company). 

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