the Globe News

The European Union and the United States reached an agreement on Monday to adjust the agricultural quotas of the community club within the framework of the World Trade Organization (WTO), after the departure of the United Kingdom from the EU.

The European Commission (EC) specified in a statement that the pact represents "the culmination of two years of negotiations within the framework of the WTO to divide these EU quotas", it reviewed EFE.

Thus, part of the quota volume will remain in the community club and another part will go to the United Kingdom, based on “recent trade flows”.

Brussels said the deal covers "dozens of quotas and billions of euros in trade, including beef, poultry, rice, dairy products, fruit and vegetables, and wine."

“I am delighted that we have reached an agreement with our most important trading partner, the United States. This agreement, made within the framework of the WTO, preserves the original volumes, but distributes them between the EU and the United Kingdom”, declared the European Commissioner for Agriculture, Janusz Wojciejowski.

He added that the pact provides "certainty and stability" to the agricultural trade and markets of the Twenty-seven.

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